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Cut The Rope Om Nom Plush

author Posted by: George on date Mar 2nd, 2012 | filed Filed under: Videogaming

Cut the rope Om Nom 5" plush

For some Cut The Rope is more addicting then Angry Birds.

Me personally had to remove Cut The Rope of my phone to get any work done.

So we agree that Cut The Rope is fun and addicting.

And now there is a 5″ super soft Om Nom plush witch will not eat all your candy but looks like it will.

This green monster looks just like in the video game and if you have one of these plush monsters you don’t have to worry any more about the monsters under your bed as Om Nom will scare them all away.

Time to stop playing Cut The Rope and order your own Om Nom 5″ Plush.

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