Cool Usb Toys

USB gadgets as far as the eye can see.


No Bug Mug

author Posted by: George on date Feb 28th, 2011 | filed Filed under: (home)Office

My code never has bugs it just develops random unexpected features. mug

if you write code you know you fare share of typos that create bugs.

But if you want to tell the world how good you are maybe you should get this mug that says “My code never has bugs it just develops random unexpected features.”

Because features are good and bugs are bad so lets all make our bugs in to features.

Go order you No Bug Mug.

RFID Programming kit

author Posted by: George on date Nov 17th, 2009 | filed Filed under: (home)Office, Home use

With rumors of Apple putting RFID in the new iPhone you need to learn more about that. And now you can with this RFID kit.

It is an USB RFID reader and 10 RFID tags to stick on what ever you want. And then when the RFID tag comes within 1 inch of the USB reader you computer will do something. Something you wonder YES you can make it to things you want. For instance stick one on you iPod and you can make it start iTunes automatically.

The included software works on PC and Mac (Intel only) so you are ready to have some fun.

Read more about RFID and this kit at ThinkGeek.