Cool Usb Toys

USB gadgets as far as the eye can see.


Optimus Maximus Keyboard

author Posted by: George on date Dec 21st, 2009 | filed Filed under: Mice / keyboard

Now we found the perfect present for the Geek that has it all.

OK this keyboard is not cheap but the Optimus Maximus Keyboard is special. It has 113 keys that are also 113 OLED displays.

Now you can show things on you keyboard you never thought of. For instance a key could be a clock with a movie hand. Or another key can show a Quick time movie.

Press the caps key and see all you letters change to uppercase. And to make it even better you can write on your keyboard, design you own look and it will show on your keys.

Go see a little movie and the info of the Optimus Maximus Keyboard

Video Watch with OLED Screen

author Posted by: George on date Nov 25th, 2009 | filed Filed under: Home use, travel

Now you can have the coolest watch and see video on it and listen to music or even rectord notes to your self.

Just get movies on there so that you can watch your favorite movie on the go. The build in 8GB storage offers you the option to carry the movie you want to take where ever you want to watch it.

And the battery is charged through you USB port and guess what you can see time on this watch to.

Go check out all the features and see the OLED screen from this Video Watch