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Stand Alone or Car Cassette MP3 Player

author Posted by: George on date Apr 24th, 2008 | filed Filed under: Music

Cassette MP3 player

If you like those all cars that don’t offer CD or MP3 playback then maybe this little nifty MP3 player can help you out to get your favorite music in your car.

This Cassette fits in your cassette player in your car and can play all the mp3’s you can think of and store on an SD card that you can fit in to it. So now even your old old car can make you enjoy the new new music.

And if you like to show you MP3 gadget then this cassette is great to because you can also just use it as an MP3 player to use any where.

It has a build in battery that you can charge through your USB port so you are always ready to go.

Check out this Cassette MP3 player at .

tagOne Response to “Stand Alone or Car Cassette MP3 Player”

  1. mojica Said,

    ni need the mp3 casette when can buying ?

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