Cool Usb Toys

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Robo Vac

author Posted by: George on date Jun 13th, 2008 | filed Filed under: (home)Office, Home use

Robo vac for cleaning of you desk

We all have the problem of dirt on our desk. Maybe it is not smart to eat at you computer but we all do it and those crumps don’t seem to disapear.

But that is where this Robot Vacuumcleaner comes in handy. Just hit him on the head and it will start cleaning the mess on you desk and when he is done hit him again and he will stop working.

And the good thing is that this cleaning wonder cost even less then 15 dollars so what else do we geek want 🙂

It runs on 2 aa batteries but we can live with that because we all have some charging all the time.

Enjoy a clean desk by using the Robo Vac.

Check out this Robot vacuumcleaner at ThinkGeek.

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