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Photo Cube iPhone Printer

author Posted by: George on date Aug 24th, 2011 | filed Filed under: iPhone / iPod Touch

Photo cube iphone printer

Cell phones are being used more and more for taking pictures but what do we do with those pictures.

How about printing them?

The Photo Cube does exactly that.

Just put your iPhone or iPod touch on top or connect you Android phone with a USB cable and you are ready to print those last party pictures.

The photo’s will be printed at 300 dpi at 4 by 6 inch and will look amazing like if you have a real photo in your hand.

Tech geeks just have to have a better look at the Photo Cube iPhone Photo Printer.

tag2 Responses to “Photo Cube iPhone Printer”

  1. Kira Said,

    How much is the printer

  2. USBgeek Said,

    Click on the picture and that will bring you to a website that sells the printer

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