Cool Usb Toys

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Outlet Surge Protector With Shelve

author Posted by: George on date Sep 26th, 2011 | filed Filed under: (home)Office

surge protector with sockets and shelve

This is probably the most useful power socket you ever have.

Just plug this in a power socket and then you have 2 power sockets, 2 USB ports and a surge proctor to keep them save and lastly a little shelve.

So now you can have your phone lying on the little shelve while it charges through the USB connection.

You see the combination and solutions are almost limit less and this is so handy that you probably want more then one.

No loose lying wires and no worries about surge spikes this power shelve will solve it all for you.

Have a better look at the Outlet Surge Protector With Shelve.

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