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Nintendo Wii news channel

author Posted by: George on date Jan 26th, 2007 | filed Filed under: Videogaming

WII news ready to go on your Nintnedo WII

Nintendo did it again. This morning when I came downstairs my Nintendo Wii was asking for my attention by flashing it’s drive slot. That normally means that there is a message. ;)

So today it was a message from Nintendo telling me that the News Channel was live and ready to go. Didn’t they plan this for tomorrow (January 27th)?????

A well it’s here. Just follow the update instructions (a new firmware update i guess) and after a couple of minutes the news channel is ready to go.

As in the news earlier this week Nintendo has made a deal with AP (associated press) to supply them with the news for the Wii. And that should mean that we get up to date news :)

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