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Nintendo Entertainment System NES Backpack

author Posted by: George on date Mar 21st, 2016 | filed Filed under: Videogaming

Nintendo Entertainment System NES Backpack

The Nintendo Entertainment System or in short NES is one of those classic gaming consoles the world could not have done without and now there is a backpack that looks just like this video game console.

The officially licensed backpack is the same color and has the details you expect. There are even look alike ports and buttons and zipper pulls that look like the controllers.

At 12 x 18 x 6 inch this NES backpack is plenty big for many tasks like school, work and fun and inside there is a padded pocket as well so that you can take you laptop where ever you go and maybe run a NES emulator on it to be in the right mindset.

Come check out this great looking Nintendo Entertainment System Backpack.

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