Cool Usb Toys

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Madcatz Playstation 3 thumbpad

author Posted by: George on date May 25th, 2007 | filed Filed under: Videogaming

PS3 Wireless ThumbPad™

If you are one of the people that uses it’s Sony Playstation 3 to surf the web then this cool gadget from Madcatsz can make that a lot easier.

This Wireless keyboard for you PS3  is an welcome addition to your Playstation. Just clip it on to your sixaxis controller and you are ready to do some in game messaging or web surfing.

Isn’t that cool 😉 and if you order anything at the Madcatz store you can get free shipping (offer active till June 1st) just by using “MAY25” as coupon code. So check out the PS3 Wireless ThumbPad™  at the Madcatz website.

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