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Labtec Mini Glow Mouse

author Posted by: George on date Oct 18th, 2007 | filed Filed under: Mice / keyboard

Labtec Glowmouse

Need some color in your life? Maybe this cool Labtech mouse can help you with that. The wheel and the body will glow in a nice color and it even slowly changes color to 🙂

What more do you want from an optical mouse 🙂 just have a little bit more fun with the computer when you have a nicer mouse.

Check out the Labtec Mini Glow Mouse USB and see how much fun it is.

tagOne Response to “Labtec Mini Glow Mouse”

  1. shroudedscholar Said,

    is there an option to keep the colors of the mouse from transitioning?

    it would be cool to be able to customize the glow of the mouse
    aside from cycling through an array of colors;

    i personally am not a fan of orange…
    ” ah… oh… meh.. ew…

    It would be nice to be able to customize the glow to your favorite color(s) of the month… in addition to fast cycle, slow cycle, and no cycle

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