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Kanguru 32gb Flash Drive

author Posted by: George on date Sep 23rd, 2009 | filed Filed under: Memory Sticks, Storage

Kanguru 32GB FlashBlu FB USB 2.0 Flash Drive

We all have storage needs and most of us use a flash drive and although most of us don’t really need a big capacity some of us do.

I am still using 8gb but am on the lookout for more and today I found this 32gb version that did not cost to much. With just under $70 it is the cheapest 32gb I found till now. And with it’s small size the 32GB FlashBlu FB USB 2.0 Flash Drive will work perfectly for my needs.

If you are looking for some flash expansion then go have a look at the Kanguru 32GB FlashBlu FB USB 2.0 Flash Drive yourself and see if it could be your next flash drive.

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