Cool Usb Toys

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Game Boy Laundry Basket

author Posted by: George on date Apr 20th, 2015 | filed Filed under: Videogaming

Game Boy Laundry Basket

We all need a spot to put our dirty laundry and if you are a bit geeky like me then you want something geeky to put the dirty laundry in.

And now I found this laundry hamper that looks like a game boy. Unfortunately you can’t play games on it but it does look like a little hand held game console that got a big bigger.

This laundry hamper is not just amazing looking it also great to use it’s big enough for many clothes and has handles on the side for easy carrying and even has a strong frame so that it is always ready to get those stinky socks.

Come and have a closer look at the Laundry Boy Laundry Basket.

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