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Food Tray Gaming Controller T-Shirt

author Posted by: George on date Jul 17th, 2012 | filed Filed under: T-shirts, Videogaming

Continuous gaming t-shirt

OK gamers all know the problem that you have to eat and drink even when you are playing games all day long.

But this t-shirt seems to show the solution for that continuous gaming problem.

On this t-shirt you see a game controller with a middle part that is a food tray and even has a cup holder for an energy drink.

And sure you have to be a hardcore gamer for a solution like that but maybe one day you will be one.

So in the mean time maybe you should get a geeky t-shirt like this. And sure it comes in women’s styles to.

Now gamers is the time to order your Food Tray Gaming Controller T-Shirt.

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