Cool Usb Toys

USB gadgets as far as the eye can see.


Devil Drive USB

author Posted by: George on date Feb 25th, 2010 | filed Filed under: (home)Office

Do you have some co workers or friends that are ready to be foold?

OK here we have the device that can do that trick. Just plug the Devil Drive USB in a empty USB ports of you victims computer and the fun can begin.

This device can do 3 things

  1. turn Caps lock on and off (does not work on a MAC)
  2. moves the cursor around
  3. types random phrases and garbage text

And of course you can select if you want it to do one of the 3 or maybe all tree 🙂 You can also select the time interval (between 5sec and 15min) in witch it should bug.

Go get yourself the Devil Drive USB and start having fun.

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