Cool Usb Toys

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Angry Birds Alarm Clock

author Posted by: George on date Nov 9th, 2011 | filed Filed under: (home)Office

Red Angry Birds alarm clock

Angry Birds are hot and you see them everywhere.

And now a red Angry Bird can be the first thing you see in the morning.

This alarm clock has the red bird from Angry Birds sticking out of the top.
On the face plate you will again see this big red bird and some of the other Angry Birds.

If you like Angry Birds or know someone who does then this could be the perfect buy.
The price is just below 5 dollars and this includes world wide shipping.

Get ready to give some Angry Birds with this cool Angry Birds Alarm Clock. 

tag2 Responses to “Angry Birds Alarm Clock”

  1. Kimberly brown Said,

    I like it very much…..How can I get one?

  2. USBgeek Said,

    Unfortunately this clock is no longer available

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