Cool Usb Toys

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Kensington USB FlyFan

author Posted by: George on date May 24th, 2006 | filed Filed under: (home)Office, Home use, travel

Fly Fan, a USB fan for the warm days of summer

The Kensington FlyFan is one of those tech toys you can’t live without.

Just connect the fan to your USB port and feel the fresh air flowing. Great for meetings, or a stuffy office.

And the great part of this fan is that it doesn’t eat much power. For every hour you use it it only uses like 5 minutes of you laptops battery 🙂

It has soft nylon blades so it will not hurt you to much when you touch it when the fan is turning.

And last but not least the engine of the USB fan is quiet so it will not disturb you when you are working.

More info at the ThinkGeek site.

tagOne Response to “Kensington USB FlyFan”

  1. denzity Said,

    wow! very coooool! your site is very gonna link this up…

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